Nov. 06, 2015
USD ($)
$ / shares
HEP Investments LLC funded an additional loan, | $ 325,000 |
Company issued to the Lender for aggregate consideration , | 500,000 |
Convertible notes and warrants to purchase common shares, | $ 500,000 |
Exercise price of common stock per share, | $ / shares | $ 0.10 |
Company issued shares of finance , | shares | 180,000 |
The Company recorded a deferred debt discount, related to the notes, | $ 500,000 |
Convertible debt and fair value of the warrants pursuant to Emerging , | 500,000 |
Company valued the beneficial conversion feature and recorded the amount , | $ 466,312 |
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- Definition CompanyIssuedSharesOfFinance1 No definition available.
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- Definition HepInvestmentsLlcFundedAnAdditionalLoan1 No definition available.
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- Definition ConvertibleDebtAndFairValueOfTheWarrantsPursuantToEmerging1 No definition available.
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- Definition TheCompanyRecordedADeferredDebtDiscountRelatedToTheNotes1 No definition available.
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- Definition CompanyIssuedToTheLenderForAggregateConsideration1 No definition available.
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- Definition ExercisePriceOfCommonStockPerShare1 No definition available.
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- Definition HepInvestmentsLlcFundedAnAdditionalLoan1 No definition available.
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- Definition Written off as other expense No definition available.
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- Definition CompanyIssuedSharesOfFinance1 No definition available.